Owning a Swimming Pool in Portugal
Owning a Swimming Pool in Portugal
Introduction to owning a swimming pool in Portugal
Pool license: if the property has an ‘in ground’ pool a license is necessary, if
For many, living in a hot country makes the owning of a swimming pool a lot more desirable, indeed for some it is considered a must.
One of the issues for first time swimming pool owners is the care and maintenance of the swimming pool.
If you believe that filling it up and enjoying it, is the only thing you have to do, then you will be disappointed. Not that it is hard work, just more than you may have bargained for.
Owning a swimming pool in Portugal has unique challenges, in this climate there is a lot of dust, there are a lot of trees and as a result there is a lot of leaves and blossom to fall into your swimming pool.
Keeping your pool and its pump system clean of debris is an important part of maintenance.
This guide aims to provide users of swimming pools in Portugal an in depth pool maintenance routine.
Swimming Pool Maintenance Schedule
Keeping to a regular maintenance schedule will prolong the life of the swimming pool and ensure that is always safe to use.
The Weekly servicing of your swimming pool
It is always easier to get yourself or the appointed weekly service person, to get into a proper routine, set half an hour aside on a set day every week:
Water levels: Ensure that the pool has the correct level of water inside.
Clean pump: Make sure that the coarse strainer is clean and free from debris.
Backwash pump: Make sure you back flush the pump if you are using a filter.
Skimmer baskets: Keep the skimmer baskets clean.
Vacuuming, Make sure that you vacuum the pool. (Many people do this daily).
PH Values: check and adjust the PH values in your pool.
Disinfectant: Make sure that the levels of disinfectant are correct adjust when necessary.
This guide can be used for indoor or outdoor swimming pools.
Winter Schedules
In the winter you do not need to do weekly servicing, however the proper winterisation of your pool is strongly advised.
You must not empty your pool without professional help and guidance.
1000 litres of water has the weight of 1 ton, so you can imagine what pressures a swimming pool has. Removing that pressure can damage your pool.
Until the water temperature drops to 7° you must keep the chemical levels up. After this you can allow them to drop.
A good winter cover should be used, which will keep UV light and of course leaves and such out.
Of course in Portugal a heated pool has a much longer useage that it would have in more northern climes.
Swimming Pool Safety in Portugal
Swimming pools are great fun for all the family and can be a great social activity especially during the heat of the Portuguese summer time.
They can also be a source of great danger and tragedy unless the right precautions are taken.
The only safety measure that can ensure safety, is you carrying out best practices.
Fences and covers only work when you use them correctly.
Non slip surrounds work when people walk sensibly around the pool.
Children must be taught to swim and supervised at all times when using the swimming pool.
Do not allow friends and especially the children of friends, or your children’s friends to use the pool uninvited, make sure that there is always somebody in a position to spot problems and help.
General Safety Tips and Best Practices.
Do not use breakable crockery and or glassware by the poolside.
Only dive into pools that are deep enough and have a designated area for diving.
Make sure that all pool users and supervisors know what to do in case of an accident, this includes location of first aid kit, telephone and numbers of emergency services.
Make sure that boisterous play is banned or carefully supervised.